For Colonna, Michelangelo executed several paintings in the fifth decade of the sixteenth century.
While always favoring large-scale abstractions that approached landscape, Ms. Mitchell began in the early 50's by executing tense, feverish paintings.
He executed several pleasing and spirited paintings, among the best of which are:
He executed altarpieces and devotional paintings in his hometown, Valencia, in the late Gothic style from 1380 and 1451.
But like Audubon and Peterson, they execute anatomically accurate drawings and paintings of their subjects in an appealing artistic manner.
And then she shewed him how, by executing various designs and paintings, she earned a pittance for her support.
According to Vasari, Tosini headed a large workshop that executed numerous altarpieces and paintings.
Ms. Peyton makes a similar point but more flamboyantly, executing tiny jewel-like paintings whose exaggerations communicate intense feeling.
At the height of his career, Tabaud executed several paintings under the name of Leret, but was unsuccessful at marketing them.
Those boys have now grown into young artists who are capable of executing paintings on ganjifa with considerable skill.