He gets a 20 percent commission on each winning bid, though he takes no responsibility for executing financial transactions or medical procedures.
The Ghana National Agricultural Export has drastically contributed to the growth and economy of the Ghana nation from a monitored, checked and properly executed policies, procedures and regulations.
Nano-scale engineering advances will permit programmable and controllable nano-scale robots to execute curative and reconstructive procedures in the human kidney at the cellular and molecular levels.
It is early on a winter morning at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary here, and Dr. Ralph Metson is executing what has been until now one of the most demanding, difficult and dangerous procedures in the treatment of sinus disease.
The Supreme Court appoints memberships in the Committee of Bar Examiners, the official task force for formulating bar exam questions, instituting policy directives, executing procedures, grading bar examination papers, and releasing the results of the annual bar examination.
Developing and executing policy, plans, procedures, and technical criteria to provide advice, assistance, and guidance to the DOJ Secretarial Officers, Headquarters Program Offices, and field sites on the use of spectrum dependent systems and services.
The title is a reference to Directive 51, the Presidential Directive which claims power to execute procedures for continuity of the federal government in the event of a "catastrophic emergency".
Programs like SHRDLU were designed as agents that carried out actions; they executed "procedures".
Interpersonal justice "reflects the degree to which people are treated with politeness, dignity, and respect by authorities and third parties involved in executing procedures or determining outcomes"