The execution of the admiral brings the theme of war to the forefront again.
The execution brought to 31 the number of people killed in sectarian violence in Northern Ireland this year.
Bud Welch says no execution will bring his daughter back to life.
It remains to be seen, however, if the executions will bring reconciliation or fuel the conflict, diplomats said.
"Especially when she pleaded for Seabourne's life, saying that even if the noble lords judged him guilty, execution wouldn't bring you back."
Frain played the character for three seasons; Cromwell's execution brought the character's run to its conclusion.
An execution would serve no purpose and bring great risk.
I hope that my execution brings the Smith family some peace.
Reading from its text, he said its execution would "bring a definitive end the Salvadoran armed conflict."
The execution of the Bishop brought a curse upon the royal line.