Executives attribute the high degree of competition for treating such a rare disease to two factors.
Executives have attributed their companies' problems to the recession and not their own policies.
Executives attributed the decline to uncertainty concerning the direction of the stock market and interest rates.
The roadway was completed in 23 months, an accomplishment its executives attributed to their independent role under the law.
Executives of drug companies attribute the price differences to the workings of the American free market.
Executives attributed the loss to poor economic conditions in Europe and delays in purchasing decisions by customers.
Executives attribute the move to high real estate costs but analysts say it also underscores a failure to lure Manhattan customers.
As for billing practices, the executives attributed any disparities between the company and its competitors to Columbia's more efficient operation.
As for the lack of women on automobile assembly lines, executives attribute that to a Japanese law prohibiting women from working late at night.
Executives of some of the largest such plans attribute their problems to fierce price competition, management mistakes and rapid expansion.