For many investors and employees, the most galling examples are those in which executives clearly failed but walked away with millions.
The Union Bank's executive at the time failed to recognize the need for expansion into the growing national market.
After all, if the executives fail in the new location, the employer will have made a costly mistake.
Or a new chief executive fails to bring about a merger or reorganization.
The senior executives failed to interest any private investors and showed an extraordinary over confidence in their ability to attract students to the scheme.
Not met-The executive failed to meet the retention standard, responsibilities, and/or commitments.
Those violations are said to focus on charges that the executives failed to supervise the firm's employees properly.
But if an executive simply fails to file, the punishment is not specified.
All told, there is ample proof, as if more were needed, of how many entrepreneurs and executives have failed in the last few years.
"And too many corporate executives still fail to distinguish dissent from disloyalty."