The chief executive, Jeffrey Weissman, hails from Blair, as do two brokers, Robert Gilbert and Alan Weissman, along with Andrew Bressman, Barron's president.
Top executives from the company have hailed the deal as a rare opportunity to recognize great cost-savings through consolidation.
A.M.D.'s executives hailed Intel's about-face as proof that its approach was correct.
Just days before, American executives and Soviet officials had hailed the restaurants as evidence of a new epoch, the fruit of perestroika.
ECONOMISTS, chief executives and Washington policy makers have hailed the weakened dollar as good news for the United States.
Many executives hail their statements as magic potions that help inspire corporate turnarounds.
Citigroup's chief executive, Charles O. Prince III, hailed the Fed's letter as a major victory.
While many executives hail the quotas, economists ask why, if the quotas have been so successful, the industry still asked the Bush Administration last year for five more years of protection.
American executives hailed the announcement, but cautioned that diplomatic ties alone would not unleash an investment boom.
Yet because the results exceeded lowered Wall Street expectations, executives and some analysts hailed the numbers as positive for a planned merger with Compaq.