The Ealdormen, or executive heads of the shire and the senior clergymen of the state, had seats as well.
Such executive heads simply live for their own livelihood while occupying exalted posts as chiefs of state.
Later in his career it was learned that Crawford accepted bribes from mamlatdars (executive heads of a taluka).
The group originally formed in 1991 as an informal group of executive heads of 10 universities.
Their eyes swept the room like targeting lasers, and one of them crossed wordlessly to the door to the attached executive head.
The executive heads of the foundation have been:
The executive heads of republics are now appointed by the President of Russia himself.
All these departments are under the control of a Municipal Commissioner who is the supreme executive head.
He served as Prime Minister from 1980 to 1987, and as the first executive head of state since 1987.
No dockyard had a single executive head, and only the Board in London could control its management.