Land counties have an elected council (rada powiatu), which elects an executive headed by the starosta.
This changed in 1932 when a major restructuring was completed, replacing the traditional board of directors with an executive headed by a president, supported by vice presidents each with responsibility for a specific area.
Charles McKinney, founder of McKinney & Silver, Raleigh, N.C., has sold the agency to a group of its executives headed by Bob Doherty, president and chief executive.
The event is being organized by Business in the Community, a London-based group of executives headed by Prince Charles.
SAS therefore dispatched a team of executives headed by Jan Carlzon to the UK to work out details of a joint bid.
He said Wall Street investors knew the company's executives, headed by the chairman, R. Clayton McWhorter, from their former jobs with the Hospital Corporation before the spinoff.
He replaces a team of executives headed by Ethan Penner, the star bond trader who resigned in September, and Boyd Fellows and Brian Pilcher, whose resignations were announced yesterday.
MBNA was founded in 1982 by a group of MNC Financial (regional bank holding company headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland) executives headed by Charles Cawley.
Empire's executives, headed by Dr. Michael A. Stocker, the chief executive, say they would not profit immediately from the transaction, which would initially transfer 100 percent of the new company's stock to a new charitable foundation.
The constitution provided for a strong executive headed by the president and a legislature of twenty-three elected and two appointed members.