On 2 June 2010, the government appointed a new chief executive and three commissioners to lead the council.
On the second floor, this corporate executive leads the aggressive marketing of the "Childs" band and demands a return for his investment.
"Some companies are concerned that certain executives may lead by his example, rather than rigorously enforce sexual harassment policies."
The central executive then leads to three different subsections.
Companies Is the "company man" the best executive to lead a troubled corporation through a painful recovery?
No matter how influential an advisor-or a spouse-may be, the chief executive must lead alone.
Many executives I observed deal with this dilemma by acting in a way that they believe will lead to productive consequences.
Today, executives can lead by contributing some of the gold from their parachutes.
The most successful executives lead totally integrated lives.
Although the chief executive leads that board, its decisions are made collectively.