Vitesse Semiconductor said it would cut 12 percent of its work force and reduce executive salaries.
This figure is based on the policy of a local ice cream manufacturer who caps their executive salaries at that rate.
In 1994, it took 25 percent of every premium dollar for its executive salaries, profits and bureaucracy.
I have already cut executive salaries, including my own of course, and all but essential expenses.
Following the proceedings, Wells continued to speak to the press, making clear his opposition to the executive salaries in question.
In addition, executive salaries should be at least in line with industry norms.
Mr. Harnett also said he never gave board members specific information on executive salaries.
The rest goes to administration, advertising, huge executive salaries and profit.
Since then, corporate profits and executive salaries have soared.
The rest goes to company overhead, executive salaries and profits.