Students aim to obtain the writing characteristics of exemplary pieces of writing.
This exemplary piece of architecture stands on a pedestal 10 feet high.
This is an exemplary piece of scholarship that reads very much like a good novel".
What makes this book such an exemplary piece of work is that I doubt it contains many words of more than one syllable (so to speak).
This exemplary piece of Roman military engineering, built over 1,800 years ago, still has many sections that stand to their original height.
The essay is expected to be a substantial and exemplary piece of research which should be valuable in future applications to postgraduate or professional programmes.
The Independent called Hitler's Piano Player "an exemplary piece of biographical writing".
So let me say straight away that you, Mr Schmitt, have carried out what I see as an exemplary piece of work.
Mr President, I welcome what I believe we will all agree is an exemplary piece of work.
This is, then, a quite exemplary piece of legislation and, moreover, one that fits into the framework of the IMO at international level.