In general, states exercise civil jurisdiction in cases involving non-Indians, and sometimes non-tribal members, even when these cases arise in Indian country.
This power of the President is only exercised in highly exceptional cases.
Discharge is at the discretion of the judge and should be exercised in cases of "evident necessity".
This power can be exercised only in cases where the application is not called in by the secretary of state himself.
This would make Ministers and officials criminally responsible if they failed to exercise control in cases of mass violence against a group of citizens.
Cases could be tried with the aid of assessors, or local men of respectable income or property, but this option was rarely exercised in criminal cases.
Some of its members were also empowered to act as local judges for minor offenses, although Winthrop was only able to exercise this authority in cases affecting his estate.
Israel's religious courts exercise jurisdiction over all citizens and residents of Israel in cases of marriage, divorce, child custody and child support.
The joint should be exercised again fairly soon, in milder cases from 1 to 3 days after injury.
The code was used as a reference for Serbian communities under Turkish rule, which exercised considerable legal autonomy in civil cases.