Otherwise, the cost is the difference between the exercise price and the market value of the stock.
The options have an exercise price of $44.08 and vest over the next three years, beginning in May.
Furthermore, the option came with an exercise price of $18.30.
The rest are options, most of which have exercise prices well above the stock's current price.
It will also buy back options for 20 percent of the exercise price.
Some companies followed a practice of adjusting the exercise price later if it fell.
The maximum value of any put is set by its exercise price:.
He was given another 3.97 million options with an exercise price of $20.70.
He received 44,898 stock options early in 1990 at an exercise price of $45.94 a share.
The exercise price may change at various dates - $8 until 1988, for example, $9 after that.