The myth of power exercised jointly by the master and God drew its coercive force from the unity of the feudal system.
Control of the county police was to be exercised jointly by the quarter sessions and the county council through a standing joint committee.
And yet (we should remind ourselves) such abilities- whether exercised jointly or individually-do not make us gods.
Parental authority continues to be exercised jointly except if in the interest of the child the exercise of this authority must be entrusted to only one of the parents.
From 1939 to 1979, they formed an Anglo-American condominium, with administration jointly exercised by the U.S. and the UK.
Regional jurisdictions are only allocated powers not specifically reserved to the federal government or exercised jointly.
Anglo-American power was jointly exercised over the non-Soviet "Free World."
Control of a company may be exercised jointly; where this is the case, the concentration will be in the nature of a joint venture.
Legislative power is exercised jointly by the President (currently Maj.-Gen.
National sovereignty can be exercised and defended only if it is exercised jointly with others.