Under the direction of Rosalie Genevro, executive director of the Architectural League, the six sites were exhaustively analyzed and different programs were created for each school.
Over the years, "Godot" has been exhaustively analyzed and countless books have been written about it and its author.
The escape routes on the ground had been exhaustively analyzed by Gris and Bleu, who were not only the best in the 246 business, but who would be using them as well.
The Netflix model has been exhaustively analyzed for its disruptive, new-economy implications.
Ryan had exhaustively analyzed Teresa's photo and had found no detail that could be called a clue.
The famed halls mentioned before have all been exhaustively analyzed in these terms, and the figures have been fed into computers to construct mathematical models of presumably ideal halls.
Our psychologists, working with our engineers, after having analyzed exhaustively the capabilities of the so-called Second-Stage Lensmen, developed counter-measures against every super-weapon which they will be able to develop during the next century.
Art historians have analyzed exhaustively its depictions of middle-class leisure, fashion, the urban environment.
But, of course, while "Guernica" had surprisingly little impact at its public debut, perhaps no work of art since has been so exhaustively analyzed.
Frequently all of these parameters (temperatures, pressures, flow, etc.) are exhaustively analyzed in combination through a Hazop or fault tree analysis, to ensure that the plant has no known risk of serious hazard.