The permanent exhibit is called "Crown of the Peninsula" and describes the rich history of the city of Los Altos.
Additional exhibits describe the cetacean species in the North Atlantic and their natural history, strandings, whale watching and past/present Icelandic whaling.
The exhibits describe seasonal changes, illustrate the glacial formation of Long Island and explain differences between the waterfowl of seashore and bays.
One exhibit describes the naufrageurs, or wreckers, who are said to have lured ships onto those horrible rocks at night and then plundered the wreckage.
One exhibit describes the 19th-century quack cures that the chronically ill Mrs. Eddy tried at one time.
The exhibit describes how the president's fluctuating medical condition became a national obsession in the summer of 1881.
I have a guidebook for you, but you will find the exhibits well catalogued and described.
No authentic items from his childhood have been preserved, but an exhibit describes the history of the house and the Luther family.
The exhibits and media describe the history of use of cocoa beans, starting with the Aztecs.
One current exhibit describes the way Jim Henson makes and works his Muppets.