The links listed below can take you to some currently exhibited examples of jewelled bookbinding in museums and galleries.
The show gains by exhibiting oddball examples of individual photographers' work, particularly in the introductory "Role Models" portion.
It exhibits archeological objects, minerals and examples of specimens of the native fauna.
Many of the structures exhibit twisted or crushed-looking examples of conventional rectangular skyscraper architecture.
These nicely restorated buildings exhibit examples of history and work and life of the common people around the Lake Neusiedl.
In the Great Exhibition of 1851 he exhibited several examples of his skill, and he obtained a medal.
The story of the Popol Vuh exhibits examples of this idea.
The next class examples below can be used to exhibit non-elementary amenable examples thanks to the existence of groups of intermediate growth.
An exhibition also exhibited examples of street track, overhead line and platform facilities.
The group exhibits not only at least 47 kofun, but also excellent examples of haniwa funerary objects.