Gradually and persistently, year after year, men of the most diverse backgrounds and commitments exhibited the strengths and weaknesses of their doctrines and methods.
However, over time and after an earthquake in 1991, the school building exhibited structural weaknesses, raising serious concerns.
-Louis Auchincloss, Motiveless Malignity, 1969 The essential greatness of Caesar being thus assumed, Shakespeare is free to exhibit in him human weaknesses apparently inconsistent with it.
Doctor Soong felt that the colonists of Omicron Theta would be more comfortable if Lore exhibited weaknesses [227] similar to their own.
The Army found that, although all three offerors' schedules exhibited both strengths and weaknesses, SAIC's schedule would be negatively affected by the firm's selection of immature technologies that would require additional design, integration, and testing to meet contractual requirements.
The two operas were written side by side, and exhibit similar strengths and weaknesses.
"We see positive improvements in areas of public safety, health and education," Mr. Vallone said in a statement, "but these same critical services also exhibit serious weaknesses."
I believe it exhibits important weaknesses.
We must stress once again the need for gender relevant statistical data for the purpose of assessment and programme planning, in relation to which the Commission's progress report exhibits certain weaknesses.
"There are van Goghs that exhibit extraordinary weaknesses of composition."