The exhibition comprised 356 paintings, 195 of which sold.
Today's exhibition comprises around 1,300 artefacts, representing less than 10 percent of the entire holdings.
An exhibition of Abolitionist literature, comprising more than 125 books, manuscripts, letters and photographs.
Its brief catalogue, with an introduction by Kootz, shows that the exhibition comprised many, but not all, of the painters in his book.
The present exhibition comprises more than 80 works from the 1980's to the present.
Juried exhibition of two- and three-dimensional art comprised of various media.
The exhibition comprises nearly 100 works, 25 of which are unique to this showing.
This grand exhibition comprised 356 paintings, 195 of which sold.
The exhibition will comprise mostly large-scale photographs in both colour and black & white.
The exhibition comprises a selection of works by the five award-of-excellence winners from the arts council's annual members' show.