This exhibition illuminates the enduring proximity of art and money, which lately has been lamented as if invented last spring by young, opportunistic art-school graduates.
Devoted, respectively, to German and Dutch artists' books, these exhibitions illuminate the recent history of a lively, infinitely elastic art form.
Continuing through June 10, the exhibition illuminates not only Kokoschka's art but also the intellectual milieu around him.
In New York currently, several exhibitions illuminate some of the issues and the importance competitions have had in shaping influential projects.
The exhibition revolves around the ongoing changes in the Arctic and illuminates the relationship between global and local issues.
The exhibition illuminates Mr. di Suvero's work as a whole.
Separately, each exhibition illuminates Eakins's place in American realism; together, they create a compelling portrait of the artist, his influence and his times.
I suppose the exhibition will illuminate that for anyone who can stop being furious at Hirst long enough to look at the paintings.
Temporary exhibitions interpret and illuminate various aspects of Joyce's life and work.
The current exhibition "Collecting Culture" illuminates Nicholson's methods and attitudes through 150 of these items.