With no little force, the exhibition also reminds us that the history of painting is to some extent simply the history of paint itself.
Both the exhibition and the Show reminded us forcibly that it's difficult to get away from politics in China.
They lend the exhibition an air of nostalgia, reminding us of what the landscape once looked like.
The New York art world is really different coexisting but independent worlds, as these exhibitions remind us.
O'Hara proved that friendship is an art form all its own, as a new exhibition reminds us.
The exhibition reminds visitors how neo-Classical taste goes in and out of style.
With war photographs confronting us daily, do we need an exhibition to remind us of the body's vulnerability?
From this strategy, Flavin extracted unexpected variety and eloquence, as the exhibition reminds us.
This engaging exhibition reminds us that while occupations may change, some aspects of human toil remain constant.
But overall this exhibition reminds us that Botero is a wonderful draftsman.