Gonzaga opened the season with a 94-53 exhibition victory over Alberta on November 2.
He was injured during the 49ers' 16-13 exhibition victory over Denver on Monday night.
Wednesday is the 25th anniversary of a game that has helped define this franchise: the exhibition victory over the Giants in their first meeting.
It was the Giants' first exhibition victory in three games as the Chargers fell to 0-3.
And even his first exhibition victory was a melodramatic production.
Booths final season was in 1905 with an 8-2 record, not counting one exhibition victory.
Louisville opened with two exhibition victories and 3 wins at home.
Morris scored 29 points and 20 points respectively in two exhibition victories last week.
The vision remains of Martin after an easy exhibition victory, wandering through the locker room to toss friendly words at a few pitchers.
The two goalies have stopped many pucks in the Islanders' three exhibition victories.