But the music lasts only a few exhilarating moments before the sounds of reality take over again.
The brink of spring, with winter still on our heels, is an exhilarating moment.
Traveling by yourself has both its depressing and exhilarating moments.
Laughing about the good time they'd had and reliving the most exhilarating moments of the afternoon.
"It was," he recalled, "a hilarious but less than exhilarating moment."
There have been precious few of those exhilarating moments in the Jets' season.
He had never felt anything quite like this exhilarating moment following his verdict.
But for one exhilarating moment he had broken out of his solitude and managed to talk to another human being.
It was the proudest and most exhilarating moment of her life, not likely ever to be replicated.
Dean is the Internet man, a string of exhilarating moments and daring accusations.