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The Exilic period was a rich one for Hebrew literature.
The second Isaiah, 40-55, comes from the late exilic period, about 540 BC.
The Book of Daniel had its setting in the Exile and therefore was accepted as an Exilic document.
These paintings express the tension between the sabra generation of the children and the relatively "exilic" generation of the parents.
"Is the Covenant Code an Exilic Composition?
Late Exilic brith gravel is from Ilkorin.
This term was loaned into exilic Quenya as certa, plural certar.
The tendency of the purely literary school of critics has been to explain the process by the direct use of Babylonian documents wholly within exilic times.
In the present state of modern knowledge the date cannot be definitely fixed; but there is much to be said in favor of the exilic date.
Due to the conditions of exilic Jewry, the rabbinic leadership decided to permit the Oral Torah to be transcribed in writing and disseminated.
The history of exilic and post-exilic Judah is little known, but a summary of current theories can be made as follows:
There are some obscure allusions to fast days of popular observance, but the Prophets of exilic and postexilic days insist on the futility of this custom.
The exilic Dtr2 overwrote this with warnings of a broken covenant and inevitable punishment and exile for sinful (in Dtr2's view) Judah.
Sharing with the same patriotic passion and ressetment towards the French colonizers, these exilic revolutionaries and organizations prepared potential members for Thanh Nien.
Being sympathetic to Vietnamese exilic activitists, the old couple shared their house with the members of Tam Tam Xa and treated them as family members.
Ajiaco Christianity: Toward an Exilic Cuban Ethic of Reconciliation, Ph.D. diss., 1999.
Last Steps: Maurice Blanchot's Exilic Writing (New York: Fordham University Press, 2013 forthcoming).
A number of current theories place J in the exilic and/or post-exilic period (6th-5th centuries BCE).
This orderly sequence of pre-exilic, exilic and post-exilic material is somewhat misleading, as significant editing has clearly taken place in all three parts.
Exilic Noldorin (also referred to as 'Exilic', but most often simply as N) Ilk.
Still later, after Jerusalem did fall to the Babylonians, the book was revised and expanded further to reflect the circumstances of the late exilic and post-exilic community.
Additionally, he co-founded the exilic Anjoman-e Te'atr-e Iran ("Iranian Theater Society") and wrote two more plays, in addition to several essays.
ON pheren beech; pherna mast; Exilic fer was usually replaced by brethil (see BERETH).
That is to say, all Jewish immigrants who arrived in Israel were strongly encouraged to "melt down" their own particular exilic identities within the general social "pot" in order to become Israeli.
For exilic and post-exilic readers, the land was both the sign of Yahweh's faithfulness and Israel's unfaithfulness, as well as the centre of their ethnic identity.