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After the Exiling, one had fragmented and died.
Walter succeeded to Urse's lands after the exiling of Roger around 1110.
The visit was preceded by controversy due to the exiling of three priests to monasteries in separate parts of the world.
One bad mistake had been the exiling of Nationalist leader Zaghlul Pasha.
There was logically only one person who knew about the recorders, one person who could get into the cities after the Exiling.
They ensured the exiling of those Germans who had always wanted to live in Germany and therefore sought to oppress the non-German population.
The uprising was suppressed in early 1911, leading to the execution of 15 rebels and the exiling of several hundred Sokehs islanders to Palau.
The spectacle is hence a technological version of the exiling of human powers in a "world beyond" - and the perfection of separation within human beings.
Reah felt the pain and guilt as if they were her own, as if she had been the one to order the exiling of humans a thousand years ago.
Following this in 1621 was an execution of 27 Czech leaders (involved in the uprising) in Old Town Square and the exiling of many others.
Proselytism, combined with sporadic Sassanian persecutions and the exiling of Christian communities in their own area, caused the spread of Christianity to the east.
Colombo supporters led by Carmine Persico won the second war after the exiling of the Gallo crew to the Genovese family in 1975.
Zelaya's wife, Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, charged that the exiling of her husband was a violation of the Honduran Constitution.
Ha'ir (a left-leaning Tel-Aviv magazine) sarcastically suggested that "The Exiling of Heine Street" symbolically re-enacted the course of Heine's own life.
Four years from now it'll burn down during a rebellion caused by the exiling of Bishop John Chrysostomos by Emperor Arcadius after he had criticized Arcadius' wife Eudoxia.
The story of "Electra" is that of a daughter plotting revenge for the murder of her father, Agamemnon, and the exiling of her brother, Orestes, by her mother, Clytemnestra.
The witness, an employee of Radio Citadelle, said armed plainclothes officers burst into the station shortly after a 1 P.M. news broadcast that reported on weekend arrests, beatings and the exiling of political campaigners.
In some way Ben had messed up his plans-and it was more than simply the thwarting of the wizard's sale of the throne of Landover to others or the exiling of the wizard from his home world.
She then served as the flagship for Admiral Lord Keith when she took part in the exiling of Napoleon to St. Helena in 1815, though she was not part of the flotilla that took him there.
At the National Museum, a grim current exhibit describes the exiling of Lithuanians to Siberian gulags and other repressive measures carried out by Stalin and his successors after Moscow invaded and turned independent Lithuania into a vassal Soviet republic.
Between 1862 and 1909 (see table below), the proportion of Lithuanians in the territory declined steadily as the proportion of Slavic-speakers (Russians, Belarussians and Poles) increased with the effects of Russification and the exiling of ethnic Lithuanians to Siberia.