Level Five existed principally for the security staff to verify personnel.
This custom existed principally in the Frankish Empire from the eighth century until the ecclesiastical reforms of the eleventh.
Rutherford exists principally on direct mail campaigns, and almost all of its current $4.5 million annual budget is financed by donors.
And by all accounts the Good Magician was a grasping man who existed principally to profit himself; he needed those exorbitant fees to increase his wealth.
Even the fantasy numbers seem to exist principally for didactic purposes.
There are too many anecdotes that seem to exist principally for their punchlines and too many catalogues of names and places.
Yet no matter how their characters are disguised, they exist principally to make the plot function.
Hacienda owners spent much of their time in their urban residences; cities existed principally to serve their wants.
The semiconductor operations exist principally to serve the equipment divisions of their parent organizations.
The diseases most demanding a vaccine, HIV, malaria and tuberculosis, exist principally in poor countries.