Despite the game's out-of-print status, a thriving convention scene exists supporting the game.
Some evidence exists supporting the superiority of combined treatment approaches.
He stated, "No data exist supporting the contention that lotteries increase compulsive gambling."
They note that abundant medical literature exists supporting the benefits of music to elderly and people with significant impairments such as physical pain or mental disorder.
Further evidence exists supporting the long-term effectiveness of RTCs for children exhibiting severe mental health issues.
The fewer rules adopted, the more evidence that will exist supporting those rules.
A considerable body of research exists supporting this hypothesis.
External trees exist supporting the following targets:
Rather, he says, evidence exists supporting the federal contention that the caffeinated alcohol drinks "pose a public health concern."
Abundant medical literature exists supporting the benefits of music to elderly and people with significant impairments, e.g., physical pain, mental illness.