Sartre presents Roquentin's difficulties as arising from man's inherent existential condition.
Rather, it is an existential condition of life; a part of the way things are in the world.
Education in this sense was a vehicle to promote clarity of reason in understanding the existential condition of humanity.
He was the American photographer who first made night a symbol, an existential condition.
The implication was that confinement is an existential condition; everybody, in or out of hospitals, is to some degree cuckoo.
He defined initiation as "a basic change in existential condition," which liberates man from profane time and history.
Mr. Koestenbaum clearly knows his way around this conceptual terrain and takes the very 90's notion of abjection as an existential condition seriously.
Mostly, however, they have the leaden immobility of people for whom waiting has become an existential condition.
Warhol's screen tests were dry-runs for Superstardom, an existential condition.
But holding onto Cornwall meant we couldn't afford to buy a house in California, so we're renting, an existential condition that complicates a gardener's life.