Fritz Perls criticised his existential therapy for leaning too heavily upon psychoanalysis.
The term "humanistic therapy" has also been used as a general category that includes client-centered therapy, existential therapy and gestalt therapy.
He incorporated the mind-body approaches of Wilhelm Reich into his work, as well as the perspectives of existential therapy.
She founded the International Journal Existential Analysis, in 1988, which continues to publish important articles in the field of existential therapy.
The term "encounter", in the context of existential-humanism (like existential therapy), has the specific meaning of an authentic, congruent meeting between individuals.
May considered Otto Rank (1884-1939) to be the most important precursor of existential therapy.
To accomplish this, May pushed for the use of existential therapy over individually created techniques for psychotherapy.
Frankl became one of the key figures in existential therapy and a prominent source of inspiration for humanistic psychologists.
The case for existential therapy.
It is present-centered and related to existential therapy in its emphasis on personal responsibility for action, and on the value of "I-thou" relationship in therapy.