Although they may save their best songs for their own bands, they still spare some well-made testimonials to lovesickness and existential uncertainty.
Now Bono suffers for love instead of existential uncertainty; "Achtung Baby" takes the same turn, from the universal to the domestic, that Bruce Springsteen took with "Tunnel of Love."
Handling Uncertainty One reason may be that beneath that look of ease lies a churning existential uncertainty as well as the motivating process of calming and channeling it.
Especially when she is portrayed by the sublimely dizzy Jan Leslie Harding, who is presiding over a play that turns existential uncertainty into the giddiest theatrical carnival in town.
The moment of existential uncertainty probably took a lot longer in heads where the brain cells bounced so very slowly from one side of the skull to the other.
"And once that black and white is challenged, it brings us all into this crazy zone of existential uncertainty."
Mr. Reilly said that same "existential uncertainty" must frequently be faced by his agency in deciding whether or not to regulate chemicals or to take other regulatory actions.
He added: "One of the beauties of giving speeches at Yale is that you can use phrases like 'existential uncertainty' with a straight face."
Instead of falling into any claimed authority, any "literal" sacred book or any other great and lasting voice, self-aware humans must confront an existential uncertainty.
That we set up a fund in order to aid these refugees is completely acceptable to me insofar as there are currently millions of citizens in the EU living in existential uncertainty and extreme poverty.