The S.E.C. said the rules were intended to clarify and expand existing requirements for financial statement disclosures.
It is time to acknowledge that the existing requirements for toxicity testing and regulations are inadequate to safeguard pregnant women and children.
As this amendment is a relaxation of the existing requirements of SSAP 15 it is effective immediately.
To satisfy existing requirements, they testified about plans to revisit Egypt and Sri Lanka, where they feared the extinction of rare animals because of American-supported construction.
Rather than add yet another layer of environmental regulations on top of the existing ones, we believe that S. 556 should eliminate those unnecessary existing requirements.
It also clarifies the existing requirements to disclose information for criminal investigations, particularly in relation to confidential information held by public bodies.
The 2008 version only introduced clarifications to the existing requirements of ISO 9001:2000 and some changes intended to improve consistency with ISO 14001:2004.
As drafted, S. 556 would make some existing requirements unnecessary, but would not eliminate them.
The existing requirements for your Customs Warehouse authorisation will remain unchanged.
We need to safeguard the existing requirements in terms of workers' rights and environmental protection when transposing the IMO Convention.