Anyone who declined the offer at the last moment was required to pay an exorbitant fee to go back home.
After taking care of your exorbitant fee I can probably- go up to five more.
However, holding the powerful up to exorbitant fees ran the risk of retaliation.
The suit said, "The exorbitant fees bear no relationship to the modest value of the services."
Thirty million is an exorbitant fee for one little boy.
Many offered admission and a degree to anyone who could afford the exorbitant fees.
After a long flight, the last thing you want to do is find a cab and pay an exorbitant fee.
Who are these physicians taking advantage of a health problem to charge such exorbitant fees for a small service?
So, is the "best interest" of the students in paying exorbitant fees and hoping that they will get the value for their money?
As a result, many of these families pay exorbitant fees to cash checks.