All coins made of exotic alloys that could only be made with magework, so that they couldn't be counterfeited.
In essence, missiles are big tubes filled with exotic alloys, toxic chemicals and explosive fuels.
Laser cutters flickered on and off, showering weird green or purple sparks off exotic alloys.
Although triggering a thermite reaction in a factory as standard process might sound insane, it is already used to produce some exotic alloys.
"That's an exotic alloy for a garbage can."
The ionizing radiation and some exotic alloys in the hull are interfering.
She playfully pulled a few strands up to her mouth, tasting the metal tang of its exotic alloys.
She thought now it might be a more exotic alloy, beryllium, magnesium, perhaps - and composition aside, she had absolutely no idea what it was.
Apparently these crystals are of supreme importance in producing many of the exotic alloys necessary for ships' engines.