Is it the mystique of Tibetan Buddhism, the rugged beauty of the Himalayan wilderness, or just that it's someplace different, with the exotic allure of a faraway land?
For Westerners fleeing their own workaholic world, the Russian kitchen had its own exotic allure.
FOR tourists in an foreign city, a reminder of home can often be more thrilling than the exotic allure of the unfamiliar.
Common ground and normalcy were far more important than the exotic allure of the mysterious Matthias Bridger.
It was also an infatuation with America as reflected in blues and folk songs: the exotic allure of hopping freight trains and winding up in jail.
Another season I was seduced by the exotic allure of cocoa hull mulch.
It's hard for a destination to have that undiscovered, almost exotic allure when you're walking in a group of 30 or more.
The Trump Taj Mahal casino, Atlantic City: a combination of brashness, crassness and exotic allure.
Certainly there is no romanticizing of drug use in these poems, no exotic allure just beneath the squalor.
Its use as metonym for a remote place is discussed above - "although when it comes to both Timbuktu and Kalamazoo, most of that brag-worthy exotic allure is merely in their names."