To the left, in glass cases, was an exotic array of chess sets.
For all the monotonous uniformity, the ancient grassland rippling in the wind was deceptively rich and varied, and like the sea, supported a profuse and exotic array of life.
Mechismo, a towering robotic menace, sports an exotic array of alien weaponry, such as ray guns.
Mr. Ito, onstage, plays his music on an exotic array of instruments and seems to be a wise spirit conjuring up the characters.
It's the price of dazzling displays on an exotic array of objects, from tin cans to beaded gourds.
The score also calls for an exotic array of percussion and for slide whistle and alto ocarina.
This garden is planned to delight all the senses, and contains a rain garden, tunnels of vines, and an exotic array of fragrant, tactile, and textural plantings.
Her eyes brightened as she looked at the exotic array of spice jars.
An exotic array of dishes to choose from various cuisines, which are available on the Deccan Odyssey.
In this day and age, as pension funds invest in an increasingly exotic array of securities, a handful of public pension funds march in the other direction: they can't buy stocks.