Interest in sideshows declined as television made it easy (and free) to see the world's most exotic attractions.
In addition to traditional travel-based tourism destinations, various exotic attractions are suggested, such as flyovers in MiGs at Mach 2.5, ice diving in the White Sea, or travelling across the Chernobyl zone.
But even if no single version of the SL since the 1950's can match the exotic attractions of the Gullwing, a number of successive models have enough presence and prestige to earn the favor of collectors.
A charismatic blend of colonial heritage, night markets and religious temples, Malaysia's Penang offers a wide range of exotic attractions and delicious cuisines.
For some bands the place has an exotic attraction, and some even plan on returning.
The casinos here may be saturated with slot machines, craps tables, roulette wheels and more exotic attractions like baccarat pits.
Some Japanese correspondents in London also stated that certain exotic and entertaining 'attractions', in the shape of sideshows organized by the entrepreneur who organized the Exhibition were vulgar, and had been calculated to bring discredit to Japan.
It flourished as a resort both in the Victorian period and in the 20th century, before ordinary Britons could afford to go abroad; but lately it has been outflanked by the exotic (and warmer) attractions of southern Europe.
These untidy plants have all the exotic attraction of a carton of slightly off milk.
Its emphasis is on enjoying South Africa's exotic outdoor attractions and urbanity rather than experiencing the opening of a door to a new multiracial democracy.