An English horn croons a lyrical ballad while a French horn and tuba weave an exotic backdrop.
ALL this unfolds against an oddly exotic backdrop, isolated and extremely rustic.
The use of the Orient as an exotic backdrop continued in the movies, for instance, those featuring Rudolph Valentino.
Tandoori (68 Broad Street; 203-964-1010) provided a colorful, exotic backdrop for delicious fare from all over India.
Set in Hong Kong during its last months of British rule, "White Ghost" relies too much on its exotic backdrop.
His surreal landscapes, exotic backdrops, impressionist palette, and precisionist typography defined a particular kind of literary genre.
For a long time, Rio de Janeiro has been popping up as the exotic backdrop of movies, wicked novels and midwinter fantasy.
In most instances, African music serves as an exotic backdrop for pop vocals, lush string arrangements or a swinging saxophone solo.
Now the angles of her face seemed neither hard nor unforgiving, but rather an exotic backdrop that perfectly set off her eyes and mouth.
I craved quiet balmy days, imaginative meals, a bit of exercise and an exotic backdrop without a lengthy plane ride.