Wow, Roberta thought, impressed by the elegant and exotic decor.
They behaved as if nothing wondrous had happened, as if they had voyaged 65 million years merely for exotic decor.
"Thanks for meeting me on such short notice," Harry said as he studied the exotic decor of Manny's office.
M Map Candlelight, exotic décor and a small fleet of shishas (water pipes) turn this cosy corner eatery into a warm and welcoming refuge for F'hain's young and tousled.
The large dining room has an understated and exotic décor to match the menu.
The design of the restaurants included exotic decor and facades that were "kitschy and theatrical".
The exotic Moorish decor was not changed.
With its exotic decor and belly dancer twirling about the room each night, this Middle Eastern fantasy has an exuberant carnival quality.
Morocco abounds in exotic decor and, sometimes, splendid settings.
The restaurant's tasteful, exotic décor says Asia Now with palm trees circled by bromeliads under a soaring skylight.