She was heavily made up in an exotic un-English style.
Moving on from the Beatles look they proposed six months ago, the team has devised more exotic styles.
Miss McFadden, who has worked out a readily identified but somewhat exotic style, was quite right.
Over fifty new houses have now been constructed, some in exotic styles, others more prosaic in appearance.
With the exotic styles and accessories, Fox portrays a picture of a glamorized archaeologist.
Imported exotic styles earlier than this can be found in a small number of historically significant Joss houses and synagogues.
She was in his arms, in the exotic style of the time.
This was selling point, as the exotic style and name advertised the exotic origins of the tea sold there.
It placed three-dimensional panels of exotic styles in an art moderne frame.
Stewart chose to design the new building in the Egyptian Revival mode, considered to be an exotic style.