With the wild card, baseball becomes the last major professional team sport to expand its post-season format by including teams that do not finish in first place.
The producers wanted to expand on the Sanctuary Network by including episodes where the team visit some of their international sites as opposed to only mentioning them.
Tagsistant features a simple reasoner which expands the results of a query by including objects tagged with related tags.
That's all this is, a sop to a Democrat-leaning voter bloc, an attempt to expand our political base by including the Hispanic vote.
It would "expand broadband at a fraction of the cost by including the conduit as roads are already being built."
The school strives to expand its services to its girls by including non-academic, non-vocational elements in its curriculum.
They also expand the business further by including a vending machine service around 1960, initially in cooperation with BMW.
The plan would also expand the size and diversity of the boards by including a member of the public.
In the 1980s, Darboven further expanded her scope by including musical arrangements and photographs in her displays.
Arthur Raney (2004) expanded affective disposition theory by including moral disengagement processes.