The Asian financial crisis, however, caught him aggressively expanding into other businesses using borrowed dollars.
Since then, the company has expanded into various businesses with five core business units: chemicals, paper, cement, building materials and distribution.
We're expanding into health care and other businesses like supermarkets.
And the company faces an increasingly heated battle over whether it should be permitted to continue expanding into related businesses to maintain its rapid growth.
The company's sales have grown by nearly 20 percent a year as it has expanded into new businesses, including collecting child support.
As research became more of a commodity throughout the 1980s and 1990s they had since expanded into other businesses.
But the company has also expanded into new businesses.
Ascii expanded so rapidly into new businesses that it needed an emergency loan to pay off its debt.
Those measures would enable banks to expand into new businesses like securities and to open branches across state lines.
Even though the production of mineral fertilizer was successful, the company expanded into other businesses, from fertilizers to oil and metals.