During the 1990s Grupo Corripio also expanded its involvement in the industrial sector.
Through its 50 percent ownership of La Fondiaria, the group is looking to expand its involvement in insurance throughout Europe.
They have dramatically expanded their involvement across the American economy.
This proved to be a seminal project, expanding the firm's involvement in large aquarium, zoo and museum projects.
In the fall, we will expand our involvement to other communities where Texaco has interests.
Intel has been courting the Linux community with the hope of expanding its involvement in Moblin so that they can build mindshare for their technology.
Initially serving only as a worker for her husband's passion, international aid, she expanded her political involvement after becoming a widow in 1962.
Whether by some form of contract or by increasing local capital, firms can continue expanding their economic involvement.
But in the 1980's, when many expected the department to expand its involvement, it retreated.
Working with Honda, Mugen has gradually expanded its sporting involvement to all levels of the sport.