It eclipsed Europe in the Dark Ages, fostered great learning and expanded territorially well into Europe and Asia.
Motivated by a desire to expand territorially, Nova led the first Ark on a journey of conquest, but ended up in the Dead Universe.
The Fascist regime held negative relations with Yugoslavia, as they long wanted the implosion of Yugoslavia in order to territorially expand and increase Italy's power.
As these countries expanded territorially and moved towards primogeniture and centralization, their rulers acquired more elevated titles.
Italy like Germany also justified its actions by claiming that Italy needed to territorially expand to provide spazio vitale ("vital space") for the Italian nation.
In the 1970s the town expanded territorially and economically.
Similar cities soon sprang up in Greece itself, such as Corinth and Megara, which, being situated on a peninsula, could likewise not expand territorially, but were well situated for trade.
Any particular barrio could not easily expand territorially into other barrios, nor could it easily export its particular social identity to others.