The Russians are just as eager now to expand economic ties, and to find a way to pay off debts that have grown to $1.8 billion.
Japan has expanded ties with the Middle East, including controversial water supply activities in Iraq.
As China expands economic ties with the rest of the world, how might increased immigration alter Chinese perceptions of race?
The visit focused on expanding economic and commercial ties between the two countries.
With the agreement today, they essentially agreed to expand economic ties as negotiators separately wrangle over the terms of a peace treaty.
A3 The White House said it would expand official ties with Taiwan.
The slaying was part of a campaign to deter other nations from expanding diplomatic ties with Iraq's new government.
He said his Government would seek to expand ties with other nations to help Vietnam "escape" from years of economic stagnation.
The military's entreaties to expand and deepen ties to Africa are receiving largely positive responses from many of those countries.
The pro-trade forces are emphasizing the city's vested interest in expanding economic ties.