He is restating the expansionist goals that drove czarist foreign policy, and in doing so, touches deep chords of nostalgia.
The fourth factor concerns offensive intentions, where perceived aggressive or expansionist goals or motives of a state lead others to balance against it.
He presented the Septemberprogramm, which outlined the aggressively expansionist goals for the war.
However they express the thought, Huizenga's associates point to the remarkable fit between his abilities and his expansionist goals as an entrepreneur.
In June 1913 Serbia and Greece signed a defensive pact opposing to Bulgaria's expansionist goals.
However, Russia's expansionist goals after annexing Bessarabia in 1812, made them suspicious that they would just become part of another far-flung empire.
Further expansionist goals of Ivan III clashed with the Lithuanian interests.
During World War I, he gradually moved to the right, expressing his support of the monarchy and Germany's expansionist goals.
He supported the monarchy and Germany's expansionist goals.
Ethiopia was a prime candidate of this expansionist goal for several reasons.