Church buildings were erected in large numbers, and the Evangelical church's activities grew along with this expansive physical growth.
Queens was mostly farmland in 1900, but following each of the world wars, it was a place of expansive growth.
During a period of expansive growth at the University, his term as President brought stability and financial strength.
During the late 1950s and early 60s, the school experienced expansive growth.
With the 1970s came expansive growth leading to the more than 250 schools and early childhood programs today .
Protective tariffs sometimes protect what are known as infant industries that are in the phase of expansive growth.
With expansive growth, a new middle and elementary school are planned for the site.
The business underwent expansive growth in this period with profit hitting £36 million in 2007.
Perhaps because the expansive growth seems to be of Type 2 diabetes, which often affects low-income and minority families?
The expansive urban growth should be avoided and discouraged at all costs.