The company argued that the opponents were seeking "a dangerously expansive and unworkable interpretation of Section 503(c)."
The playwright knew what he was doing in creating hermetic works and specific images that resist expansive interpretation.
And there are undoubtedly some difficult issues to be approached in relation to the European court of human rights' somewhat expansive interpretation of article 8.
We have learned that bias and sensitivity rules are subject to expansive interpretations.
This provision will prevent future administrations from adopting more expansive and problematic interpretations of military detention authority.
That will take an expansive interpretation in Mr. Clinton's behalf.
The court also adopted a more expansive interpretation of the corporations power.
The term public order has been given an expansive interpretation that highlights the importance which the Singapore Government places upon social stability.
These expansive interpretations of the freedom of speech appeared large enough to include draft-card burning.
He said there was no basis in the statute for the Court's "expansive interpretation" of the crime of extortion.