Tim Parks, one of the most gifted and prolific of expat residents, has provided entertaining answers in Italian Neighbours, An Italian Education and A Season With Verona (Vintage).
I Map Regarded by some expat residents as the classiest Indian restaurant in Kampala, this is housed in a residential villa near the golf course.
As one expat resident told me: "Ten years ago, 90 per cent of people landing at the airport were carrying scuba gear and the other 10 per cent just wanted a cheap holiday in the sun.
The clientele is a mixture of Venetians, bohemian expat residents and the just-passing-through.
Now Belgrade's gritty cityscape and Europe's most energetic nightlife scene are attracting a vanguard of curious expat residents and intrepid visitors.
Okpo has a large foreign transient population due to the shipyards and as a result there is a 'Foreigner's Club' by the Admiral Hotel which is run by the local expat residents themselves, as well as over fifty Western bars and two dozen western restaurants serving a variety of 'western style' meals.
The neighborhood's close proximity to Itaewon and the Yongsan Garrison US Army facility has made the area popular for expat residents.
The Roads and Transport Authority also runs an efficient city bus network, although unfortunately Western expat residents don't use it much and it's predominantly used by low-income guest workers.