Artists who had been turned down can't expect assistance from a record company which already has a number of signed acts needing help and attention.
Even if private security guards were at work in the immediate area, they probably had not heard anything, so Frank could not expect assistance.
She knew Davad better than to expect financial assistance from him.
The rebels, in contact with Holland, were expecting assistance that never came.
Realizing that she could not expect assistance from those around her, she turned to God, calling for his help.
The exiles were disappointed, however, if they had expected immediate assistance from the Scots.
Nor does he expect assistance from the piano industry.
Conrad had taken the key of the door, so he could expect little more assistance from Annette.
She held out her hand imperiously, expecting assistance to stand.
Cade had a lot of ground to make up if he expected anything more than very basic assistance from Kel.