He was just the type, but Johnny had never expected treachery on this scale.
He had never expected love from this hard old man, but treachery and harm from him ?
After all, in his business one could expect treachery.
Clyde allowed her to guide him, although he expected quick treachery.
But he went in expecting treachery, convinced that Hal's opponents had no serious desire to talk with him.
The prince had been expecting treachery also, of course.
"I had not expected treachery," said Philip, keeping his voice low and sorrowful.
"Naturally I suppose we must expect treachery from the other side."
He did not expect treachery, but if it came, there would suddenly be a unicorn's hom in action.
Blackthorne began to follow but he did not turn his back to the ship, still expecting treachery.